1689643637 NPI number — DR. PHILIP E FIDLER M.D.

Table of content: DR. PHILIP E FIDLER M.D. (NPI 1689643637)


This information contains only most important part of the NPI data, for complete information, including NPI referencing materials please refer to 1689643637 NPI number — DR. PHILIP E FIDLER M.D.

Organization/Personal Information

Employer Identification Number (EIN):
Provider Organization Name:
Provider Last Name:
Provider First Name:
Provider Middle Name:
Provider Name Prefix Text:
Provider Name Suffix Text:
Provider Credential Text:
Provider Gender Code:

Provider's Other Name Information

Provider Other Organization Name:
Provider Other Organization Name Type Code:
Provider Other Last Name:
Provider Other First Name:
Provider Other Middle Name:
Provider Other Name Prefix Text:
Provider Other Name Suffix Text:
Provider Other Credential Text:
Provider Other Last Name Type Code:

NPI Number Information

NPI Number:
Entity Type Code:
Replacement NPI:
Last Update Date:
NPI Deactivation Reason Code:
NPI Deactivation Date:
NPI Reactivation Date:

Provider's Business Mailing Address

Provider First Line Business Mailing Address:
PO BOX 12187
Provider Second Line Business Mailing Address:
Provider Business Mailing Address City Name:
Provider Business Mailing Address State Name:
Provider Business Mailing Address Postal Code:
Provider Business Mailing Address Country Code:
Provider Business Mailing Address Telephone Number:
Provider Business Mailing Address Fax Number:

Provider's Practice Location Mailing Address

Provider First Line Business Practice Location Address:
1600 COIT RD STE 305
Provider Second Line Business Practice Location Address:
Provider Business Practice Location Address City Name:
Provider Business Practice Location Address State Name:
Provider Business Practice Location Address Postal Code:
Provider Business Practice Location Address Country Code:
Provider Business Practice Location Address Telephone Number:
Provider Business Practice Location Address Fax Number:
Provider Enumeration Date:

Additional Information


Authorized Official

Authorized Official Last Name:
Authorized Official First Name:
Authorized Official Middle Name:
Authorized Official Title or Position:
Authorized Official Telephone Number:

Provider Taxonomy Codes

  • Taxonomy code: 208600000X , with the licence number:  R8186 , registered in the state of TX ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: 0101273072 , registered in the state of VA ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: 10838A , registered in the state of WY ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: ME152606 , registered in the state of FL ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: CDRH.0055039 , registered in the state of CO ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: MC-0432 , registered in the state of ID ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: 73960 , registered in the state of GA ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: 27572 , registered in the state of MS ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: 19524 , registered in the state of NV ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: MD0000064204 , registered in the state of TN ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "N" .
  • Taxonomy code: 2086S0102X , with the licence number: R8186 , registered in the state of TX ; information, associated with the NPI states the following Primary Taxonomy Switch: "Y" .

Other Provider's Identifiers (legacy, non-NPI)